
Stitch-less Hernia

Stitch-less Hernia

stitchless hernia in navi mumbai

Important things you need to know about hernia & treatment

Hernia occurs when the intestine bulges out due to a weakness of the connective tissue of the abdominal wall around the groin, navel or abdomen area. A visit to our Speciality Hernia Care Clinic or to your physician is essential to diagnose the hernia.

inguinal hernia
different types of hernia

Types of Hernia

Painful bulge is one of the most common symptoms of a hernia. If you have a swelling on the abdomen or groin or a swelling on a previously operated site; you could be having a HERNIA.
  • Hernia starts as a new bulge or lump in the groin or in the abdominal area.
  • Lump increases in size on standing or coughing and decreases on lying down.
  • At first, there is dull ache on hernia site.
  • If left untreated, the small marble-size painless hernia progresses to coconut-size.
  • Further neglect will lead to painful hernia as the intestine gets trapped and hernia doesn’t reduce in size on lying down(i.e. intestines do not return to the abdominal area)
  • When intestine gets obstructed in hernia defect, there is chronic unbearable pain, extreme discomfort, unable to pass bowel gas, nausea and vomiting.
  • More serious complication is when intestine loop becomes 'strangulated' in hernia; the blood supply is cut off resulting in bowel tissue death (necrosis) leading to life threatening condition called septicemia and requires a surgery on emergency.
Causes of hernia are various from congenital (at birth), hereditary, obesity, pregnancy, previous surgery, nutritional deficiency, lifting heavy objects, straining due to constipation to chronic cough. Anybody can get hernia - from infants to elderly; though men pose higher risk.
Surgery is the only treatment for hernia. Studies have proven that, synthetic mesh that is used to cover the hernia hole and stitched all over at the hernia site helps prevent hernia from recurring all over again.
Some patients wear a truss (hernia belt) which places pressure over the bulge. This is ineffective and does not repair the hernia and usually delays surgery. There are no medications which can repair a hernia. Surgery is the only solution to repair the hernia.
  • Open Surgery
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
  • 3-D Dynamic Day Surgery
  • (Technique Combines advantages of Open and Lap Surgery)

Most hernia surgery is done through an open surgery where an incision of 10-12 cm is taken above the hernia. FLAT Mesh is then placed in a manner which repairs the hernia. This Mesh needs to be stitched around the site of the hernia. The use of mesh has reduced the incidence of recurrence but may have led to an increase in the incidence of chronic pain. Open surgery is cost-effective.

Laparoscopic surgery is another repair option and associated risks following this option such as use of sharp laparoscopic instruments and trocars, need of General Anesthesia and selection of skilled lap operator surgeon and use of Lap meshes & special instruments that are often expensive.
Studies show that patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery have a quicker recovery and less short-term pain than with open repair. But in either surgery, small nerves can be irritated by the procedure or the mesh or by stitches/tacks (staples) used to hold the mesh against the abdominal wall. Also, long-term pain maybe prevalent in either method.

open hernia surgery in vashi navi mumbai
Open Surgery
  • Mesh is stitched
  • Easy to perform in local or regional anaesthesia, but more pain in post-operative period
  • Long-term pain present (nerve irritation)
laparoscopic hernia surgery in vashi navi mumbai
Laparoscopic or Key-Hole Surgery
  • Mesh is stapled/ tacked
  • Less pain in post-operative period, but difficult to perform and requires general anaesthesia
  • Long-term pain present (nerve irritation)

3-D Hernia Surgery is a Modern hernia surgery which involves repair through selection of uniquely engineered 3-D Implant. Under local anesthesia surgeon takes a minimal incision around 3-4 cm at the hernia and exposes the hole in the muscle. With the help of special delivery device the 3-D Implant is introduced into the hernia hole where it springs-open into the hole and grips it without the need of any sutures/ stitches /staples/ tacks. The back disk of the implant repairs hernia from behind and gives the advantages of laparoscopic repair. The entire surgery takes less than 15-20 Mins. The patient can walk out to the recovery room for around 6 hours and discharged. The surgery is generally done as day surgery meaning that following the surgery the patient is discharged home a short time after the surgery.

DON’T MISS THE BENEFITS OF Advanced 3-D Dynamic Hernia Surgery
  • 3-D Hernia Surgery with uniquely engineered 3-D DYNAMIC implant
  • Surgery done in Local anesthesia.
  • Suitable for all patients - eldery, patients with heart, kidney, lung problems etc.
  • Smallest incision of 3-4 cm above hernia
  • Special delivery device to introduce 3-D implant
  • 3-D implant springs-open into hernia hole & grips
  • No need of painful sutures/ stitches/ staples/ tacks
  • Back disk of 3-D implant gives advantages of laparoscopic repair
  • 15-20 mins Surgery Time
  • Patients walks to Recovery
  • Same day discharged home
3d dynamic hernia surgery in vashi navi mumbai
3d dynamic hernia surgery in vashi navi mumbai
The most common complication of hernia surgery is chronic groin pain and occurs in about 30% of patients. This chronic groin pain varies from slight discomfort to severe disabling pain which is enough to interfere with normal activities and might be lasting life-long in extreme cases.
There are several factors which may be the cause of chronic groin pain – Flat meshes placed in the anterior space (above hernia) cause traction and trauma to the nerves which are present in the groin. Fixating or suturing of the mesh to abdominal muscle causes pain. Spermatic cord compression by meshes and stitches also leads to pain.
ProFlor is the only hernia implant designed to address the issues of chronic groin pain following hernia surgery.
It consists of a dynamic core that is attached to a backdisc that is placed in the posterior space (behind the hernia hole) thus avoiding any placement of the mesh in the anterior space where the nerves are located. It requires minimal dissection in the anterior space thus avoiding trauma to the nerves and there is no fixation involved. ProFlor is the ONLY IMPLANT known to preserve spermatid cord in its petals without compression.
Patients have confirmed no pain post-surgery as well as long-term through evidence-based questionnaire - Carolinas Comfort Scale. The scale is used to assess quality of life in the patients with such questions whether patients feel a "sensation of mesh" or pain or movement limitations during daily activities. The incidence of recurrence is almost none in comparison to traditional open surgery 8-15% or laparoscopic with 4-11% that uses traditional mesh and its tacks.
Most importantly, the 3-D surgery outcomes lead to freedom from hernia with freedom from pain and discomfort. With the advent of 3-D dynamic suture-less mesh the advantages of laparoscopy can be provided with smaller incision and cost effective for patients.